In my book “The Baptizing of America: The Religious Right’s Plans For The Rest Of Us (Thunder’s Mouth Press 2006), I warned that a well-financed and highly organized group of religious and political leaders was seeking to impose their narrow radical beliefs and harsh public policies on the US, even as our nation’s population was increasingly multireligious, multiethnic, and multiracial.
Some critics accused me of writing about a “nonexistent” threat from the religious right. One reviewer called my work a “paranoid rant” while another detractor wrote that my “alarmist” views were “exaggerated and implausible.”
Their belief was: ”It can’t happen here in America”, but 17 years later we know better. “It” can happen, indeed, is happening here led by a well-financed and well organized group that I label “Christocrats” that has grown in numbers, political power and public visibility.